Super tender meat and tasty sauce. The venison tenderloin can be replaced by pork tenderloin.

For 2 people
400g venison tenderloin
4 big shallots
1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons sunflower oil
3 tablespoon thick crème fraîche
1 tablespoon Port wine
Peel and thinly chop the shallots.
In a sauce pan, brown the tenderloin on all sides in 1/2 tablespoon butter and 1 tablespoon of oil. Remove the tenderloin, throw away the butter and oil without scratching.
Put back 1/2 tablespoon of butter and 1 tablespoon of oil. Brown the shallots for 5 minutes. Put back the tenderloin. Cover and let it cook for 20 minutes flipping over the tenderloin regularly.
Remove the tenderloin. Let the pan cool down, add the crème fraîche and the Port wine, mix well. Add the tenderloin and let it cook for 15 min on low heat.